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Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration


A support project to third country nationals concludes on June 30

28.06.2013. To ensure an active participation of third country nationals and the local society of Latvia in the process of integration, society “Shelter “Safe House”” in association with its partner association Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and Baltic Regional Fund implemented a project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration that lasted from December 19, 2012 till June 30, 2013.

A common language is one of the key aspects for a person’s wellbeing, professional development and integration in general thus Latvian language courses were provided during the project using both academic and informal learning methods. Studies also took place in the Moodle environment which provides not only interactive material and exercises but also a consecutive flow of the subject as various tools of control are available to provide adequate materials for a certain level of understanding.

When learning a language it is vital to use it in practice as many people reach a psychological barrier once they need to speak to actual people. To solve this problem a Latvian conversational language club was organized.

To provide access to timely information a visualised integration resource was created which serves as a practical and informational platform to third country nationals who are planning to arrive in Latvia or are already here as well as those who want to help locals.

Work with third country nationals has proved that the most effective approach to solve social issues is to work through them individually which is why the target group of the project was provided with individual consultations with social workers and lawyers.

Based on the fact that women and small children are the most outcasted groups of third country nationals the project provided creative workshops intended for women with children where mothers and their children could unite in common activities. This allowed mothers to get out of the house, meet new people, be active and create interesting things. During this interaction between mothers and children “The Tasty ABC Book” was created which will allow children to learn the Latvian alphabet, culture, and traditions interactively providing an opportunity to learn the language early on. Whereas the mothers gained social and other skills and new contacts which increased this groups self-initiative, and motivation to take part in activities and self-help in the future.

Support events for special third-country national groups – women and children, January 16

Creative Workshop, January 23

A Creative workshop in Valentine`s day spirits!

Video: creative workshops intended for women with children 1

Video: creative workshops intended for women with children 2

Video: creative workshops intended for women with children 3

Video: creative workshops intended for women with children 4

Video: creative workshops intended for women with children 5

Video: creative workshops intended for women with children 6

Video: creative workshops intended for women with children 7

During the support group for women “For Each Other” which brought together third country nationals and Latvian women a specific support mechanism was created which was based on the principle of self-help where everyone has a chance to help others and get help themselves. This raised the self-esteem, ability to make a decision and participate in the processes of the society of each woman. Both of the workshops served as a tool to encourage the participants to speak Latvian thus increasing the motivation to continue learning the language.

Active opinions on various issues which affect immigrants were expressed and answers were gained from officials and NGOs during the informational activities – TV shows “Successful Ideas” (Veiksmīgas idejas) and information days in Riga, Liepāja and Olaine. That was an opportunity for third country nationals who are learning Latvian and participating in the creative workshops from three cities to meet and network. Whereas Spriditis School allowed to learn about the Latvian cultural environment, develop an intercultural dialogue and create standing values together with the project volunteers.

Information Day “Riču Raču” in Liepāja

Information Day “Riču Raču” in Olaine

During the project a visual material “Once a man was born” was created where 4 documentaries were shot which show life traditions and philosophies on birthdays of third country nationals living in Latvia. Birth is one of the things that unite people same as love, the word mother, and the desire to live and be happy. It carries unwritten yet understandable assumptions to any society – we are all alike. The movies serve as a visually emotional bridge between the nationally diverse people living in Latvia.

During the project volunteers took part in all activities and were an invaluable human resource. Volunteers were not only Latvian locals but also the third country nationals.

Volunteer training, 24.02.2013.

Volunteer training, 03.03.2013.

The Third Volunteer Training, March 17

To increase the capacity of NGO and develop cooperation a “Dialogue Platform” was created the task of which is to promote NGO cooperation to work with integration of immigrants issues.

The project is co-financed by the European Union. Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%). This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.



The Informative Day in Olaine has Expanded Third-countries Nationals Social Contact Network 

27.05.2013. Creative workshops, games, informative, educational events and activities dedicated to the integration of third-countries nationals in Latvia, it was all available on 25th of May to each and every inhabitant of Olaine and visitor of the Olaine region holiday. Third country nationals from Riga, Liepaja and Olaine took part in the event. This was already the second informative day "Riču raču" ("Ludo") organized within the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration” by the non-governmental organization "Shelter "Safe House"" together with its cooperation partners “Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS”, “Baltic Regional Fund” and “Riga Latvian Society”.

“The event was very sincere especially due to the fact that many have already got to know to each other and made friends in the Informative day in Liepaja. „Big thank you to the representatives of the Society as we had the opportunity not only to receive consultations of different specialists in Olaine, to create new contacts but also put into action new knowledge of Latvian in informal setting and to be able to get acquainted with the culture and inhabitants of Olaine” says Anna K, third country national, who has come to the event from Riga.

To ensure active participation of third country nationals and the society of Latvia in the integration process within the framework of “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration” lessons of Latvian language and colloquial language are offered in three cities of Latvia – Riga, Olaine and Liepaja. Approximately 250 people attend the workshops.

Ludmila N., lives in Olaine and has come to Latvia from Odesa. She says: „In the courses is light and friendly atmosphere, it is pleasant to go to the courses. I definitely speak in Latvian better than before. If it would be possible to continue the course, I am sure that not only me but all our group would like to do that. In the end I want to live and work here. I think that it would be good if this Latvian colloquial language club would continue to exist, a place where in a nice, friendly atmosphere we can talk in Latvian and not to be afraid of making mistakes. Volunteers should be in such club – the people who know Latvian, who can help to hear our mistakes.”

“One of the reasons I am attracted to the course is the very nice atmosphere and possibility to contact to others, it is not so possible to enlarge your associates range in everyday life. We learned language also remembering different situations from childhood, school years – beautiful things that all of us have gone through and about which we have forgotten in everyday life.. it was a pleasure to return to childhood and youth. Can say that I have made friends in the courses,” says Boriss Ž, 45 years old, lives in Olaine.

Veronika K, lives in Liepaja, in Latvia lives since 1988: „I am happy that we train colloquial language in the courses; so far I have studied only grammar. The reason I like it is probably the very good teachers. It was useful, pleasant with good results. I would like to proceed studying if the courses would be free of charge. I think that language has to be learned constantly if there will be a few month pause now there will be a `fall` in the language too.”

Maya F few years ago got married to Latvian and moved to Liepaja from Singapore: “The courses were an opportunity for me to get new society and, of course, to begin learning Latvian systematically. Some people in Liepaja can explain something in English but mostly people are talking Latvian. Now at least I can ask in Latvian simple things in the market or a shop. I would like to proceed learning, that would really make fitting in the native life easier. I will definitely use the materials in MOODLE too”.

Special events in the project take place in a creative workshop intended for women with children, as well as in a self-help group “For Each Other” (“Viena otrai”).

In order to increase the level of awareness of third-country nationals, television programs for integration “Successful Ideas” (“Veiksmīgas idejas”), which are broadcasted every Sunday on LTV7, are offered.

Society “Shelter “Safe House”” in association with its partner association Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and Baltic Regional Fund has launched a new support project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration*. It is aimed at developing diverse support, adaptation, and integration opportunities available to third-country nationals as well as engaging and educating Latvian society. Project period: December 19, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%).

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.

More Photos



17.05.2013. Society „Shelter „Safe House”” in collaboration with its partners „Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, Baltic Regional Fund and The Riga Latvian Society is organizing an information day „Riču Raču” in Olaine on May 25 during the city festival.

Between 12:00 and 2:00 PM in the Second Secondary School of Olaine, in Slokas iela 1, various activities will be held during which every inhabitant of Olaine will have an opportunity to participate in different attractive games, to get acquainted with culture of different countries, whereas. During the event you will be able to find out what electronic resources have been created to provide accessible and understandable information, which is necessary to every immigrant or his family member in everyday life; you will see movies made in Latvia, in which representatives of other nationalities, who live and work in Latvia, have participated; you will be able to receive specialists’ consultations on legal and social issues.

Between 2:00 and 4:00 PM in Olaine city Mežaparks (in the pavilions) an activity called “Patterns and Signs” for children organized by “Sprīdīša skola” of The Riga Latvian Society will be held. During the activity participants will have an opportunity to get to know Latvian symbols and ethnic signs and participate in various creative workshops drawing and dancing with musicians.

Come and enjoy the day with us! :)

In order to strengthen Latvian cultural space as a society, particularly as a uniting foundation for third-country nationals, and to promote their affiliation to the cultural space on local, national and regional level, different activities, in which different ethnic groups, including third-country nationals, participate, have been organized within the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration”. 

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%).

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.


About 100 third-country nationals with families visited the informative day in Liepaja

13.05.2013. This year, on 11th of May the informative day “Ricu Racu” (Riču Raču), which was organized by the association “Shelter “Safe House”” and its cooperation partners “Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS”, “Baltic Regional Fund” and “Riga Latvian Society”, took place in Liepaja. Within the framework of this day, each and every inhabitant of Liepaja region was able to get acquainted with the culture of other countries, to learn what resources were created in Latvia for supporting foreigners providing the information about the services available in Latvia, as well as to receive consultations of different specialists and to participate in creative workshops and activities.

About 100 third-country nationals with families, who have been studying Latvian language and colloquial language within the framework of the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration” already as of January, came from Riga and Olaine to visit this event.

“Provided possibilities of formally mastering official language of Latvia, as well as visiting Latvian towns, where one can feel confident and communicate in Latvian, gained the greatest popularity among the visitors of the event. Especially for this event, the volunteers of the association prepared activities for the children, during which little participants had an opportunity to express themselves, creating a work of art under the management of the artists. Many participants admitted that the event was very uniting; they did not feel great cultural differences between the nationalities. This impression was intensified by the game “Ricu Racu”, in which visitors of the event participated. We are happy for the successful event, but the greatest satisfaction was provided by an opportunity to directly and individually cooperate with the part of our society, which came from other countries, and to see that at the end of the day all people returned home feeling tired and having smiles on their faces, saying “thank you” in Latvian regardless of the origin, age, occupation or daily problems,” admits Reinis Grāvītis, coordinator of the volunteers of the association “Shelter “Safe House””.

Lauma Jēgere and Reinis Grāvītis

More photos

On the 25th of May, within the framework of the Olaine region holiday the information day “Ricu Racu” will be organized in Olaine. 

In order to strengthen Latvian cultural space as a society, particularly as a uniting foundation for third-country nationals, and to promote their affiliation to the cultural space on local, national and regional level, different activities, in which different ethnic groups, including third-country nationals, participate, have been organized within the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration”. 

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%).

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.



Society will organize an Information Day “Riču Raču” on the 11th of May

08.05.2013. We invite to spend a week-end on the 11th of May together with people of different nationalities, who live in Liepāja and Latvia!

From 12:00 to 16:00, at Rožu laukums 5/6, in Liepāja (Liepāja Latvian Society House) a non-governmental organization “Shelter “Safe House”” will organize an Information Day “Riču Raču”, within the framework of which every inhabitant of Liepāja region will have an opportunity to participate in different attractive games, to get acquainted with culture of different countries, whereas, foreigners will have an opportunity to learn more about Latvian cultural environment, to work together in several workshops of different activities. You will also be able to obtain information about the organizations, which operate in Liepāja and Latvia to unite the society.

During the event you will be able to find out what electronic resources have been created to provide accessible and understandable information, which is necessary to every immigrant or his family member in everyday life; you will see movies made in Latvia, in which representatives of other nationalities, who live and work in Latvia, have participated; you will be able to receive specialists’ consultations on legal and social issues.

Come together with children, because they will also have an opportunity to work in different workshops and to participate in activities!

“Together we will play a popular board game Riču Raču, the rules of which is known to every child; yet, within the framework of the Information Day everyone will be given an opportunity to play a bit differently – on this day everyone will be able to search for and to find practical information about Latvia at different information providers”, organizers of the event inform.

Come and enjoy the day with us! :)

In order to strengthen Latvian cultural space as a society, particularly as a uniting foundation for third-country nationals, and to promote their affiliation to the cultural space on local, national and regional level, different activities, in which different ethnic groups, including third-country nationals, participate, have been organized within the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration”. 

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%).

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.



Social and legal issues are worked out within the framework of the project

05.04.2013. Specialists of the “Shelter “Safe House” – social workers and lawyers provided more than a hundred consultations regarding social and legal issues as of the start of the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration” initiated last year on December 19. “Work, education, health care and social security, understanding of how these systems work is the most basic thing in order for an immigrant to be able to adapt to the Latvian society. Within the framework of the project, we endeavour to provide answers for all questions asked,” points a social worker Anita Udre (Anita Ūdre). 

When providing answers to the questions of third-country nationals, the specialists mostly use their previous experience obtained in the course of many years, ensuring professional support for the immigrants; additional topical information is obtained from the internet resources and by contacting with responsible ministries or state and local government institutions.

Lawyer Gita Miruskina (Gita Miruškina): “As of the initiation of the project the greatest proportion of the consultations was related to labour law and employment. The clients are mostly consulted on issues concerning job search, employment relationships and foundation thereof, as well as concerning possible state support in case of unemployment. In matters of family law, the consultations have been provided on conclusion of marriage, determination of paternity, kinship, contractual property relations of the spouses, personal rights of the spouses. In matters of residence and immigration, the consultations have been provided on family reunion and immigration of parents and/or sisters, brothers to Latvia. The clients show interest in administrative process in state and local government institutions. These issues are topical (work, family, administrative issues), because the legal regulation of the aforementioned issues in client’s country of origin differs from the Latvian regulation.”

“Third-country nationals show interest in various legal matters,” concluded a project’s lawyer Alvis Skenders (Alvis Šķenders), who provides answers to questions related to determination of the residence status in the Republic of Latvia, issuance processes of a residence permit, documents to be submitted, amount of the state fee, purchase of property in Latvia in order to receive a residence permit. “The clients ask questions about crediting as well, including, fast loans and lists of debtors. Issues concerning commercial law are topical - foundation of firms, termination of activity, liquidation, accounting issues, issues concerning societies that would manage the joint property, registration of societies, refusal from the previous manager”.

Social workers’ target group of the project most often showed interest in possibilities to receive children’s allowance, pensions at the State Social Insurance Agency, as well as social assistance from the local government. Issues concerning health care and possibilities to receive state guaranteed health care and emergency assistance are topical. Lauma Jegere (Lauma Jēgere): “The questions are of practical nature – often enough we help to find necessary institutions responsible for particular competence. For example, Road Traffic Safety Directorate - the clients want to find out how to change the driver’s licence obtained in their countries of residence for driver`s licence of European Union. Placement of a child in the kindergarten is a topical issue for young parents. Great interest is showed in possibilities to master Latvian language free of charge. These issues are important for a person to feel balanced in both private and social life”.

In order to ensure active participation of third-country nationals and Latvian society in the integration process, learning of Latvian language and colloquial Latvian language is offered within the framework of the project in three Latvian cities – Riga, Olaine and Liepaja. 250 people are currently attending the training.

Special events in the project take place in a creative workshop intended for women with children, as well as in a self-help group “For Each Other” (“Viena otrai”).

In order to increase the level of awareness of third-country nationals, television programs for integration “Successful Ideas” (“Veiksmīgas idejas”), which are broadcasted every Sunday on LTV7, are offered.

In February and March, project volunteers from Riga, Olaine and Liepaja obtained knowledge and skills of team building, volunteer work and tolerance, conflict and time management in three training sessions. The training sessions were held by professional youth teachers from the organization Brīvprātīgais.lv.

In order to promote tighter cooperation between non-governmental organizations (NGO), which are working in the area of integration of immigrants, the first NGO dialogue platform meeting, which was organized by the Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, was held in March.

It is planned that starting from April the information days will be organized in regions and a visual material on common things between cultures will be created within the framework of the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration”.

Society “Shelter “Safe House”” in association with its partner association Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and Baltic Regional Fund has launched a new support project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration*. It is aimed at developing diverse support, adaptation, and integration opportunities available to third-country nationals as well as engaging and educating Latvian society. Project period: December 19, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%).

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.



Third-country nationals are welcome to take part in integration activities

14.01.2013. In order to develop and improve diverse support, adaptation, and integration opportunities available to third-country nationals society “Shelter “Safe House”” in association with its partner association Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and Baltic Regional Fund launched a new support project: Diverse Solutions for Public Awareness and Integration in December 2012. Project period: December 19, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

The project includes the following training and activities for third-country nationals:

Latvian standard and conversational language course. The course is held in 3 Latvian cities –Riga, Olaine, andLiepaja. Duration – 6 months. Language learning will also use Moodle environment – a specially organized e-learning course which uses various (text, audio/video etc.) electronic study aids, communication and self-testing features available on the Internet.

Chance to receive social worker consultations and legal aid as well as practical support in solving various daily issues, including cooperation among health care, pre-school institutions and facilities for compulsory education and clients, help in legal proceedings, employment matters, migration issues, business start-up matters, legalization and recognition of educational documents, other issues.

Support events for special third-country national groups – women and children. Plans include thematic, practical lesson series for children with parents including practical thematic cooking lessons on a weekly basis. The programme is aimed at developing support resource for third-country nationals – mothers with small kids and uses interactive teaching approach to facilitate active cooperation between the kid and mother, engagement and informal Latvian language learning.

Participation in self-help group For Each Other will give third-country nationals – women the chance to meet other third-country nationals participating in the project and Latvian women thus encouraging socialization and wish for active participation among immigrant women.

Awareness days Rica Racu (Riču Raču) in Liepaja and Olaine. Latvian standard language course and Latvian conversational language club members from all project sites, kids’ and parents’ creative workshops and mother self-help group members will take part in activities and within the framework of awareness day will meet other city residents – third-country nationals, take part in Spriditis School (Sprīdīša skola) events organized by volunteers and Riga Latvian Society.

Participation in volunteer activities. In order to plan sustainability of project activities and develop a broad support network for third-country nationals in Riga, Liepaja, and Olaine volunteer movement will be developed in association with organization brivpratigais.lv (brīvprātīgais.lv).

Earliest activity dates:

January 16 at 12:00 Support events for special third-country national groups: women and children

Address: Riga, Brivibas iela 204, Tupperware office

January 21 at 17:00 – Latvian language course, 1st class

Address: Riga, Lacplesa iela 41, block 2 (4th floor) 

January 21 at 20:00

Latvian language course, 1st class 

Address: Olaine, Zemgales iela 31, Olaines Pieaugušo izglītības centrs 

January 29 at 17:00

Latvian language course, 1st class

Address: Liepaja, Liela iela 14, Liepājas universitāte

For more information and to register applications for participation in project activities contact:

Society “Shelter “Safe House””

Contact person: Gunta Viksne (Gunta Vīksne)

Tel: (+371) 67898343, (+371) 29180450

Email: drosa.maja@apollo.lv

Address: Riga, Lacplesa iela 41, block 2 

Society has been implementing projects such as Multidisciplinary Support System for Third-Country Nationals, Raising Competence of Social Workers at Municipalities, Societies, and Foundations for Work with Third-Country Nationals (2011), Meeting Space (2009) since 2009. They were aimed at ensuring operation of resource centre for immigrants, arranging and supplying practical help to refugees and persons with alternative status, including Latvian language learning, social psychological and adaptation services by offering legal advice, consultations with social workers and other specialists, developing informative materials and facilitating public awareness of immigrant integration. 

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%). 

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.


Project for the Support and Integration of Third-Country Nationals Has Been Launched

19.12.2012. Society “Shelter “Safe House”” in association with its partner association Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and Baltic Regional Fund has launched a new support project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration*. It is aimed at developing diverse support, adaptation, and integration opportunities available to third-country nationals as well as engaging and educating Latvian society. Project period: December 19, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

In order to ensure active involvement of third-country nationals and Latvian society in the integration process the project will apply various methods and offer Latvian standard and conversational language learning by engaging active volunteers based in Latvia. Training will be conducted in Moddle environment, web resources for integration will be visualized, social services and legal advice will be supplied. Plans include special events for women with children in a creative workshop and self-help group. In order to raise awareness of third-country nationals TV shows for integration will be offered, awareness days will be organized across regions and visual material on aspects in common among cultures will be developed. The project will draw volunteers and develop a dialog platform among institutions. 

Since 2009 the society has been implementing various projects** aimed at ensuring operation of a resource centre for immigrants, including Latvian language learning, social psychological and adaptation services by offering legal advice, consultations with social workers and other specialists, developing informative materials and facilitating public awareness of immigration. 

*Activities planned within the framework of the project match a few points included in policy planning document: Guidelines on National Identity, Civil Society, and Integration Policy 2012 - 2018.

** Multidisciplinary Support System for Third-Country Nationals, Raising Competence of Social Workers at Municipalities, Societies, and Foundations for Work with Third-Country Nationals (2011), Meeting Space (2009). 

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%).

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.