Society "Shelter "Safe House"" has implemented several projects supported by various local and international financers and work continues on new projects. For more information go to specific projects:
Project "Legal assistance, psycho-social support and community engagement activities for asylum-seekers and refugees in Latvia"
Project "Human stays Human "
Project "Latvia – a Country by the Baltic Sea!"
Project “Legal and psycho-social assistance, and integration support to refugee-women in Latvia"
Project "They Have a Name"
Project "Listen, Hear, Learn!"
Project "Latvian Language Training for Ukrainian Civilians"
Project "Preventive measures to stop human trafficking as labor exploitation"
Project "WIN - Women in Need"
Project "Prevention of online grooming of children and young people"
Project "HERE - Social Economy of Proximity”
Project "Information Centre for Newcomers II"
Project "Information Centre for Newcomers"
Project "The Support Actions for Persons under International Protection II"
Project "Migrant Talent Garden"
Project "Integrācijas ABC - 3"
Project "European module for Integration course"
Project "Information Centre for Immigrants"
Project "The Support Actions for Persons under International Protection"
Project "Improving the initial education of adults immigrants, 2IMINED"
Project "Preventing human trafficking and sham marriages: A multidisciplinary solution, HESTIA"
Project "Red Lights Out"
Project "Study Programme for Asylum Seekers – Introductory Course About Latvia"
Project "Increaction+"
Project "Improved Anti-Trafficking Efforts: Baltic-Russian Cooperation Network"
Project "Society’s "Shelter "Safe House”” Action Support Programme to Reduce Human Trafficking in Latvia"
Project "Multidisciplinary initiatives to prevent human beings"
Project "Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration 3"
Project "Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration 2"
Project "Work Smart"
Project "The Support Actions for Persons under International Protection III"