Informative meeting for women asylum seekers
Ievietots: 03.08.2023

On a July afternoon, women from Afghanistan, Iran, Russia, and Ghana gathered for a joint meeting at the asylum seekers` center "Mucenieki."
The women got to know each other (not all were familiar with one another, as some had arrived at the center just today or the previous day) and were delighted to have the opportunity to meet and learn new information. The meeting was led by Judīte Briede-Jureviča, the head of the association "Krīzes grūtniecības centrs" (Crisis Pregnancy Center). The theme of the meeting was "Gender Equality for Women in Latvia. Equal Opportunities."
After the formal part of the meeting, the women sampled various Latvian delicacies such as rye bread, "cielaviņa" (Latvian pastry), honey cake, chocolate, kvass (a traditional beverage), and rye bread chips. The conversation revolved around the role of women in different cultures.
The participants of the event were very happy to have the opportunity to meet other women and gain valuable information about life in Latvia, the available support for asylum seekers, and the fact that women (like men) in Latvia are full-fledged members of society, with all the corresponding responsibilities and support.
The project "Assistance and Integration Measures for Women Refugees in Latvia" is being implemented in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Lawyer consults at the Centre for Asylum Seekers in Mucenieki
Ievietots: 27.07.2023

The association "Shelter "Safe House"" provides support to victims of human trafficking and immigrants in Latvia. With the specific purpose of assisting asylum seekers, one day in July, our lawyer Gita Miruškina arrived at the Accommodation Centre for Asylum Seekers in Mucenieki.
The consultations took place in the library space, and their content is, of course, confidential. Based on her experience, Gita shares that the questions mostly revolve around the asylum procedure, its duration, and the possibilities of receiving various forms of support (such as medical assistance) during the procedure. A smaller portion of questions is related to the relatives of asylum seekers who are not in Latvia and the possibilities of helping them. Sometimes, there are also inquiries about employment opportunities and how soon one can start working (the law allows it three months after commencing the asylum procedure).
In total, nine asylum seekers received consultations during this time. In connection with the problems faced by her clients, Gita also met with the mentor for asylum seekers, Ramona, from the organization "Caritas Latvia."
We sometimes feel bewildered when dealing with state institutions, trying to understand the laws, our rights, and duties. This confusion and concern are even more pronounced when these matters need to be addressed in a country where you have recently arrived. Therefore, the guidance of a competent lawyer is invaluable for asylum seekers.

The project "Assistance and integration measures for refugee women in Latvia" is implemented in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
Women and children in a fairy house
Ievietots: 07.06.2023

There is a place in Riga where both adults and children feel like they are in a fairy tale house. This is Forest of Dreams studio. Recently, the owner of the studio, Lauma, invited refugee women who currently live in Latvia. The children also came along, because it is a great opportunity to be together, to relax, and to play enthusiastically.
The women got to know each other and had conversations while making cookies in the form of nuts. Several remembered that they had already baked them in their childhood, together with their grandmother. However, even those who had never made these cookies, easily learned the simple, almost meditative skill, while getting to know each other and conducting conversations.
On the other hand, the children played enthusiastically throughout the visit. There was a ball pool, a play kitchen, and many, many other interesting activities and things.
Gunta from the ""Shelter "Safe House"" and Anna from the UN Refugee Agency helped look after the children. The opportunity to help brought much joy to them!
What else could we do together? Such a question was raised at the end of the meeting. Let`s continue to work to give women and children joy and rest in the far from simple life of refugees and asylum seekers.
We invite you to view the photo of the meeting in the photo gallery.
The project "Assistance and integration measures for refugee women in Latvia" is implemented in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
Easter meeting on Lāčplēša Street
Ievietots: 07.04.2023

In preparation for Easter, refugees from several countries of the world gathered in the "Shelter "Safe House"": Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Syria, Iran, Eritrea and Nigeria.
How is Easter celebrated in Latvia? A seemingly simple question, but one that cannot be answered in one sentence. Therefore, expert and lecturer Ramona Liepiņa was invited to the meeting. She told about the three times of celebration - the spring solstice or the Great Day, Easter, which is marked by holidays in the country, and Orthodox Easter. Ramona told about egg painting and rolling and other traditions that are self-evident to Latvian residents, but new to newcomers.
The second part of the event was a practical Easter workshop. Those gathered made decorative nests from tree branches and decorative materials, and placed colorful Easter eggs in them. Starting life in a new country is a difficult stage, it has many challenges and difficulties. Such playful, artistic activity opened hearts and gave a moment of joy, as well as the satisfaction of the beautiful result. The participants took the made decorations with them to their current homes.
In the end, everyone was delighted by a wonderfully decorated festive table with various snacks and treats.
The Easter joy of light, rebirth and spring is complete if we share it with those who are having a harder time right now. Happy Easter!
View the photo of the Easter meeting in the photo gallery.
The project "Assistance and integration measures for refugee women in Latvia" is implemented in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).
An evening of stories with the world traveler Žigis
Ievietots: 29.03.2023

Most of the Ukrainian women participating in the support group in Liepāja admit that they traveled a lot before the war. That is why the idea of inviting the world traveler and blogger Žigis to one of the meeting evenings aroused interest.
Žigis shared his travel experiences and allowed the group members to take a virtual trip to Hawaii. The atmosphere of the meeting was made even warmer and more cozy by the delicious treat.
At the end of the event, the participants expressed their desire to hear about the opportunity to travel around Latvia next time. They would like to learn about beautiful places that are probably not described in tourist guides, about places that can be reached by them too - traveling with children.
The joy of seeing each other again and the friendly conversations make me believe that such a support group is very, very necessary.
The project "Legal and psycho-social assistance, and integration support to refugee-women in Latvia" is implemented in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).

Launching a new project to support persons under international protection
Ievietots: 04.01.2023

From 2 January 2023 the society "Shelter "Safe House"" has started to implement the project "Legal and psycho-social assistance, and integration support to refugee-women in Latvia".
Several activities are planned under the project:
- Legal assistance to persons under international protection, including Ukrainian civilians in need of such assistance. Legal assistance will be available in Riga, as well as in four cities across Latvia. To receive a consultation, please make an appointment in advance by phone +371 25565098 (I-V 9:00-17:00), +371 28612120 (I-V 9:00-17:00) or by e-mail:;
- Integration and support activities:
- Support group for persons/women under international protection. The group meets once a month to discuss topics of interest to women.
- At the same time, meetings are planned for asylum seekers to support them in starting an independent life in Latvia. These meetings will also take place once a month.
For more information, please contact the project manager Gunta Viksne: phone +371 29180450 or e-mail:
The project "Legal and psycho-social assistance, and integration support to refugee-women in Latvia" is implemented in cooperation with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR).