Video: asylum seekers in Mucenieki saw the film “Flow”
Ievietots: 28.02.2025
It seems that almost everyone in Latvia has already seen “Flow”, some even several times.
We, “Shelter “Safe House””, wanted to show the film to asylum seekers with the permission of the film-makers. Like the characters in the film, they are currently going through a long journey, at times threatening and painful.
The film was a success!
Asylum seekers – old and young – gathered at the Mucenieki Multifunctional Centre. It was a beautiful conclusion to an introductory course about life in Latvia. Before watching the film, a treat of freshly baked waffles with berries and whipped cream was served.
Thank you to the creators of “Flow” and producer Matīss Kaža personally for the opportunity to show the film in Mucenieki! We hope and expect that the lemur will add an Oscar statuette to his collection.
Project “Latvia – a country by the Baltic Sea!” is implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the period 2021-2027, grant agreement No. PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04. Total funding of the project is EUR 302,765.06, which consists of EUR 227,073.79 from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and EUR 75,691.27 from the national budget of Latvia.
Course Conclusion in Liepna
Ievietots: 28.01.2025
In the second half of January, an introductory course about life in Latvia successfully concluded for asylum seekers currently residing at the PMIC "Liepna".
The final sessions focused on Latvia`s history, traditions, and culture and were held at the Alūksne Museum. Course participants learned not only about Latvia`s history but also about Alūksne`s, while exploring a unique collection of clocks and traditional costumes.
The project “Latvia – a Country by the Baltic Sea!” is implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund for the 2021–2027 period, grant agreement no. PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04.
Newcomers learn about life in Latvia. The end of the year
Ievietots: 28.12.2024
Throughout 2024, "Shelter "Safe House"" organises and provides training - an introductory course about life in Latvia. The training has been attended by both asylum seekers living in the accommodation centres in Mucenieki and Liepnė, and migrants from Ukraine and other countries who have chosen Latvia as their country of residence but have been living here for less than 5 years.
The training will continue next year, but this time we will highlight what has been done so far.
Between 1 November 2023 and 19 December 2025, 236 people have taken the Introduction to Life in Latvia course, of whom 219 have received certificates of completion. In total, the course participants included persons under international protection from 32 countries.
In order to communicate with the participants, translation from Latvian into Farsi, Pashto, French, Arabic, Kurdish, Dari, Hindi and other languages was provided by the One Stop Agency of the Society Integration Foundation.
The introductory course covered the following topics: immigrants` rights, job opportunities, housing and rent, healthcare, education, traditions and culture.
The lectures were held in Mucenieki, Liepnė and in the premises of "Shelter "Safe House"" at 75 Lāčplēša Street, Riga, as well as in other premises. However, some of the knowledge was transferred and received in a practical way - by going on study excursions. We have visited the following institutions and organisations: the Business Incubator of the University of Latvia, the State Employment Agency, Startup House Riga, the Latvian National History Museum, Riga Stradiņš University, Riga Zoological Garden, the folk applied art ceramics studio "Saule", the Alūksne Municipality Museum.
The next year will also continue learning about life in Latvia. The project will run until 31 August 2026, and at the end of the project the society "Shelter "Safe House"" will invite media representatives to a special event where they will share the experience gained during the project.
The project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea!" is implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the period 2021-2027, grant agreement No PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04. The total funding of the project is EUR 302 765.06, consisting of EUR 227 073.79 from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and EUR 75 691.27 from the Latvian state budget.
34 graduates from integration courses
Ievietots: 20.11.2024
Just now, 34 people have completed integration courses in Liepāja within the project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea"!
As the graduation coincided with the Latvian Patriotic Week, the representatives of the society "Shelter "Safe House"" prepared a special treat for the graduates and also Latvian flag ribbons.
Project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea!" is implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the period 2021-2027, grant agreement No PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04.
An overview of the activities under the project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea"
Ievietots: 21.10.2024
As autumn is setting in, we look back in summer mood on the joint activities carried out within the project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea".
We have enriched each other in countless ways with third-country nationals and we know that our cooperation will continue to flourish!
The project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea!" is implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund for the period 2021-2027, grant agreement No PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04.
The project "Latvia – a country by the Baltic Sea!" of the Society "Shelter "Safe House"" attracts more of those interested
Ievietots: 26.09.2024
The main goal of the project: to promote an active involvement of citizens of third countries in Latvian society through a theoretical and practical approach. In order to achieve this, the association "Shelter "Safe House"" organizes and provides courses about life in Latvia.
The association "Shelter "Safe House"" started the implementation of the project on November 1, 2023, but on September 24, 2024, already the 13th group of third-country nationals – in this case people from Afghanistan – completed the integration course.
Within the framework of the project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea!" the most important information about the Latvian state and legislation is provided. Information of value is given about social system, migration law, non-discrimination, health system, as well as about the history and traditions of Latvia.
Since the start of the project, a total of more than 150 people have participated in the integration courses. Most represented countries are following: Afghanistan, Cameroon, Iran, Ukraine!
It should be mentioned that, as part of the integration course, third-country nationals have visited the Riga History and Shipping Museum, the Business Incubator of the University of Latvia, the Riga Stradins University, the State Employment Agency, as well as other institutions promoting integration in the professional and social environment of Latvia.
Furthermore – the Latvian War Museum has evoked special emotions among third-country nationals, significantly expanding understanding and horizons regarding the complex twists and turns of Latvian history.
The association "Shelter "Safe House"" will continue to implement the project until August 31, 2026.
The project "Latvia – a Country by the Baltic Sea!" is being implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund for the period 2021–2027, under grant agreement no. PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04. The total project funding is €302,765.06, comprising €227,073.79 from the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund and €75,691.27 from the Latvian state budget.
The information was prepared by: Harijs Kadiķis, public relations specialist of the association "Shelter "Safe House""; e-mail:, phone number: 22026355
Introductory Course for Those Who Have Recently Arrived in Latvia!
Ievietots: 23.05.2024
The association "Shelter "Safe House`" invites third-country nationals to an introductory course (a cycle of 9 lessons) about life in Latvia.
We will start a morning/daytime group in Russian on June 3 at 11:00 AM.
Don’t miss out! Register by calling +371 20 179 483, clicking the link, or scanning the QR code on the informational leaflet.
The leaflet with the schedule and lesson topics is available here.
"Shelter `Safe House`" is located at Lāčplēša Street 75 — a location easily accessible from the Central Station and other parts of Riga. For 15 years, we have been helping newcomers in Latvia. The course will be taught by our most competent lawyers and other specialists!
At least two lessons will include excursions. During breaks, we’ll enjoy tea, coffee, and snacks. We’re looking forward to seeing you!
Registration is open to individuals aged 13 and above. Upon completing the course, participants will receive a certificate of completion.
The project “Latvia – A Country by the Baltic Sea!” is implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund for the 2021–2027 period under grant agreement no. PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04. The total project funding is €302,765.06, consisting of €227,073.79 from the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund and €75,691.27 from the Latvian state budget.
Asylum seekers learn about life in Latvia
Ievietots: 27.02.2024
This week two groups of assylym seekers have graduated a course learning about life in Latvia. In the span of just over three weeks the participants attended eight lessons. The training took place both in the Asylum Seekers Accommodation Center in Mucenieki and in Riga, in the Association "Shelter "Safe House"".
Training covered ample amount of relevant topics: immigration policy, job opportunities, health care, education, traditions and culture. Both groups also visited the Latvian National History Museum to get a first glimpse of Latvian cultural heritage.
Alvis Šķenders, a lawyer at the "Shelter “Safe House””, says about these groups: "The participants showed genuine interest in the topics discussed in the lectures. They were particularly interested in the apartment rental market in Latvia and job opportunities".
The classes were conducted by specialists of the "Shelter "Safe House"" as well as different experts of relevant fields of health care, emplyment ect. Among them should be mentioned the lawyers of the Latvian Human Rights Center Edgars Oļševskis and Liliana Garkalne, the expert of the State Employment Agency Juris Liepiņš, the head of the National Health Service Customer Service Center Lāsma Matjuka, as well as social workers Anita Feldmane and Iluta Samsonova.
On February 26, 28 asylum seekers received certificates for completion of the training course.
The project "Latvia - a country by the Baltic Sea!" is implemented with the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027. year period support, grant agreement no. PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04. The total financing of the project is 302,765.06 euros, which consists of 227,073.79 euros from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and 75,691.27 euros from the Latvian state budget.
We are launching the project "Latvia – a Country by the Baltic Sea!"
Ievietots: 01.11.2023
On November 1, 2023, the association "Shelter "Safe House"" initiates the project "Latvia – a Country by the Baltic Sea!", which will be implemented until August 31, 2026.
The goal of the project is to promote the active involvement of third-country citizens in Latvian society through knowledge. To achieve this, we will organize and provide introductory courses on life in Latvia, encompassing both theoretical and practical knowledge acquisition. Working with immigrants is one of the two main directions of the association`s activities, and we have accumulated significant experience, which we are eager to apply to assist those in need of an understanding of life in Latvia.
The classes will take place in several locations, including the association`s premises in Riga, PMC "Mucenieki," and Liepna in the Aluksne region. We invite representatives of two target groups to participate: 1) third-country citizens who have obtained the right to reside in Latvian territory; 2) individuals in need of international protection (refugees, individuals with alternative status, and asylum seekers).
To reinforce the knowledge already gained on various topics during the courses, visits to various state and municipal institutions will be organized. For example, we will visit municipal social services, the State Employment Agency, the Ombudsman`s Office, the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia, the Society Integration Foundation etc.. The purpose of these visits is to provide practical knowledge about the opportunities to receive various forms of support.
After the completion of each study group, a closing event is planned with the issuance of certificates.
At the conclusion of the project, we will invite media representatives to a special event where we will share the experience gained during the project. Information about the project events will be communicated on our website and on social networks.
The project "Latvia – a Country by the Baltic Sea!" is being implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund for the period 2021–2027, under grant agreement no. PMIF/13.3./2023/1/04. The total project funding is €302,765.06, comprising €227,073.79 from the Asylum, Migration, and Integration Fund and €75,691.27 from the Latvian state budget.