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The Informative Day in Olaine has Expanded Third-countries Nationals Social Contact Network

Ievietots: 27.05.2013


Creative workshops, games, informative, educational events and activities dedicated to the integration of third-countries nationals in Latvia, it was all available on 25th of May to each and every inhabitant of Olaine and visitor of the Olaine region holiday. Third country nationals from Riga, Liepaja and Olaine took part in the event. This was already the second informative day "Riču raču" ("Ludo") organized within the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration” by the non-governmental organization "Shelter "Safe House"" together with its cooperation partners “Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS”, “Baltic Regional Fund” and “Riga Latvian Society”.

“The event was very sincere especially due to the fact that many have already got to know to each other and made friends in the Informative day in Liepaja. „Big thank you to the representatives of the Society as we had the opportunity not only to receive consultations of different specialists in Olaine, to create new contacts but also put into action new knowledge of Latvian in informal setting and to be able to get acquainted with the culture and inhabitants of Olaine” says Anna K, third country national, who has come to the event from Riga.

To ensure active participation of third country nationals and the society of Latvia in the integration process within the framework of “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration” lessons of Latvian language and colloquial language are offered in three cities of Latvia – Riga, Olaine and Liepaja. Approximately 250 people attend the workshops.

Ludmila N., lives in Olaine and has come to Latvia from Odesa. She says: „In the courses is light and friendly atmosphere, it is pleasant to go to the courses. I definitely speak in Latvian better than before. If it would be possible to continue the course, I am sure that not only me but all our group would like to do that. In the end I want to live and work here. I think that it would be good if this Latvian colloquial language club would continue to exist, a place where in a nice, friendly atmosphere we can talk in Latvian and not to be afraid of making mistakes. Volunteers should be in such club – the people who know Latvian, who can help to hear our mistakes.”

“One of the reasons I am attracted to the course is the very nice atmosphere and possibility to contact to others, it is not so possible to enlarge your associates range in everyday life. We learned language also remembering different situations from childhood, school years – beautiful things that all of us have gone through and about which we have forgotten in everyday life.. it was a pleasure to return to childhood and youth. Can say that I have made friends in the courses,” says Boriss Ž, 45 years old, lives in Olaine.

Veronika K, lives in Liepaja, in Latvia lives since 1988: „I am happy that we train colloquial language in the courses; so far I have studied only grammar. The reason I like it is probably the very good teachers. It was useful, pleasant with good results. I would like to proceed studying if the courses would be free of charge. I think that language has to be learned constantly if there will be a few month pause now there will be a `fall` in the language too.”

Maya F few years ago got married to Latvian and moved to Liepaja from Singapore: “The courses were an opportunity for me to get new society and, of course, to begin learning Latvian systematically. Some people in Liepaja can explain something in English but mostly people are talking Latvian. Now at least I can ask in Latvian simple things in the market or a shop. I would like to proceed learning, that would really make fitting in the native life easier. I will definitely use the materials in MOODLE too”.

Special events in the project take place in a creative workshop intended for women with children, as well as in a self-help group “For Each Other” (“Viena otrai”).

In order to increase the level of awareness of third-country nationals, television programs for integration “Successful Ideas” (“Veiksmīgas idejas”), which are broadcasted every Sunday on LTV7, are offered.

Society “Shelter “Safe House”” in association with its partner association Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS and Baltic Regional Fund has launched a new support project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration*. It is aimed at developing diverse support, adaptation, and integration opportunities available to third-country nationals as well as engaging and educating Latvian society. Project period: December 19, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

The project is co-financed by the European Union.

Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%).

This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””.

For more information:

Rasa Salina (Rasa Saliņa), Public Relations Consultant and Practitioner


Information Day “Riču Raču” in Olaine
Creative workshops, games, informative, educational events and activities dedicated to the integration of third-countries nationals in Latvia, it was all available on 25th of May to each and every inhabitant of Olaine and visitor of the Olaine region holiday. Third country nationals from Riga, Liepaja and Olaine took part in the event. This was already the second informative day "Riču raču" ("Ludo") organized within the project “Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration” by the non-governmental organization "Shelter "Safe House"" together with its cooperation partners “Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS”, “Baltic Regional Fund” and “Riga Latvian Society”.The project is co-financed by the European Union. Implementation of the project Diverse Solutions for Public Education and Integration is co-financed by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals (75%) and state budget (25%). This publication is supported by the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals. Responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the society “Shelter “Safe House””. 27.05.2013.