LatviaA safe homefor different people
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"Choose Your Freedom 2" first days of the training
The training course of the Project „Choose Your Freedom 2” started on October 5, 2013 with the arrivals and accommodation of the participants. The first evening was spent occupying rooms in the guest house “Vālodzes” near Sigulda followed by a welcome dinner and get-to-know games. The trainer team also gave a short introduction of themselves and the project.
The second day was started with a longer orientation about the project, subject, Youthpass, general community and safety rules. In the end the fears and hopes were discussed.
The first activity of the training course was a simple exchange of knowledge about human trafficking in groups. During the discussion each group had to establish a simple definition of human trafficking which were then summarized in a universal one based on the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Human Trafficking. This way the group of the training had an agreed definition of a subject to work with for the duration of the course.
The second half of the day was devoted to the analysis of an example. To lead the discussion onto psychological aspects of human trafficking and the profile of a victim and start thinking about modern information technologies impact on human trafficking a movie “Lilya forever” was watched and analysed. Each group discussed a specific point seen in the movie: the psychological state of the victim, strategy of recruitment and involvement in various phases, the attitude of the recruiter towards the victim, control and exploitation of the victim, possible positive solutions for the victims’ actions.
The day was concluded with the first intercultural evening with presentation of Romania and Croatia.
The project “Choose Your Freedom 2” is implemented with the financial support of the EU programme “Youth in Action”. The content of this publication is the responsibility of the society “Shelter “Safe house””