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In May persons under international protection from seven countries mastered the integration training course

Ievietots: 29.05.2019

The Society “Shelter “Safe House”” informs that in May the integration training course was started and completed by the ninth training group, which included 14 persons under international protection from Cuba, Turkey, China, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Saudi Arabia.

The integration training course was started on May 13 and lasted until May 22.  The course attendees were most interested in the tax system, accessibility of medicine and housing. Translators with knowledge of Spanish and Turkish from the Information Centre for Newcomers ensured high quality communication with participants of the course.

The project manager Z.Rudene indicates that on May 31 attendees of the integration course along with creative workshops in the Chocolate Museum “Laima” received certificates for having listened to the course.

At the same time, the course of Latvian for the seventh group of course attendees was started on May 23 in parallel to the integration training course. “We are planning to train this group until the end of June ensuring learning of language three times per week”, tells Z.Rudene. At present, the group includes 14 persons under international protection.

The project manager informs that the second evaluation of satisfaction of course attendees was also started. It is planned that it will be prepared by the end of June. The evaluation is performed in the form of group discussions and, by analysing the information received a report with conclusions and/or proposals is prepared, which will be further used for the improvement of training courses and training programmes. Overall, such evaluation is planned to be carried out three times during the implementation of the project.

Until 30 June 2020 support under the Support Actions for Persons under International Protection II project will be provided to 500 persons, among them adults, children, and illiterate asylum seekers.

The Support Actions for Persons under International Protection II project is implemented with the support from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and co-financed by the European Union. Grant Agreement No. PMIF/9/2017/2/01/

Information was prepared by: Rasa Salina (Rasa Saliņa), Multimedia Communications Specialist, phone 22026355, e-mail: rasa.salina@patverums-dm.lv

The integration training course, 9th training group
In May the integration training course was started and completed by the ninth training group, which included 14 persons under international protection from Cuba, Turkey, China, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Russia and Saudi Arabia. The integration training course was started on May 13 and lasted until May 22. The course attendees were most interested in the tax system, accessibility of medicine and housing. The Support Actions for Persons under International Protection II project is implemented with the support from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and co-financed by the European Union. Grant Agreement No. PMIF/9/2017/2/01/