- When did you first arrive to Latvia?
Larisa and Vadzim: We had been visiting Latvia frequently even before the sad events in Belarus occurred, and knew the people and traditions well.
- Was it difficult to learn Latvian and integrate into Latvian environment?
Larisa: We were lucky in terms of Latvian language courses and teacher Lolita. Her temperament is very close to ours. I deeply respect all Latvians, who were able to preserve their culture and language, be proud of it and inspire other people with it, despite multiple difficulties in the history of this country.
- Do you think that Latvia and Belarus differ strongly?
Larisa: Historically, the way of Belarus is slightly similar, but unfortunately only 11.7% of Belarusian schools currently provide education in the official language and a person can get to prison for speaking Belarusian. I would like to see an institution that is similar to the Latvian Language Agency in Belarus, to ensure that all citizens respect the language as a national heritage and speak in it. To pass exams in this language, to evaluate the level of their education. Like it is in your country. I am ready to learn Latvian for the sole reason of solidarity with Latvians and in order to show respect to Latvians.
- How would you comment the current situation in Belarus?
Vadzim: Every day is like emotional seesaw for us. We wake up with hope every morning and go to bed in depression. Unfortunately, it can be claimed that low intensity civil war is under way in Belarus.
- Thank you for your straightforwardness and for this conversation.
The project “Support Actions for Persons Under International Protection III” is implemented with support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is co-financed by the European Union. Grant Agreement No. PMIF/9/2020/3/02