The children will be involved in plays, games and other creative activities, when learning Latvian. The coordinator will provide general information about the training of Latvian, as well as will provide answers to the questions asked by the learners during the project. The classes of Latvian will be organised in a special classroom in the Centre for Accommodation of Asylum Seekers Mucenieki, which is functionally accessible for everyone, including people with motion disorders.
The training will be led by teaching staff: teachers of Latvian experience in teaching language to immigrants. At the end of the studies, knowledge of customers will be checked and the results will be analysed.
The purpose of the course of Latvian language is to get language knowledge and skills necessary for work and everyday life, to develop main language skills: reading, speaking, writing, listening and use of grammar.
The course participants will be provided with free training materials, handouts and learning aids to promote the development of all Latvian language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in the target group of the project.
Within the scope of the course it is planned that the course will be attended by 180 persons under international protection – in groups consisting of 5 – 15 people.
The project “Support Actions for Persons Under International Protection III” is implemented with support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is co-financed by the European Union. Grant Agreement No.