Already this Wednesday, March 23, the Riga Information Center for Immigrants (abbreviated ICI - a project implemented by the association “Shelter “Safe House””) invites to valuable events that will take place in person and will be broadcast live, too.
On the Open Day, we especially welcome those who have recently arrived in Latvia from third countries, including Ukraine! We also invite those who help immigrants - professionally or as volunteers.
On the Open Day, we are cooperating with the National Library of Latvia, where events with the highest number of visitors are expected.
At 10.00 at the “Shelter“ Safe House ”” premises Lāčplēša Street 75: lecture “Investments and financing” (in cooperation with the project “Migrant Talent Garden”), lecturer Reinis Budriķis. This lecture is useful for immigrants from third countries who are thinking about starting their own business in Latvia. Working language: English.
At 13.30 at the National Library of Latvia, Mūkusalas Street 3: meeting “We inform and help”. Experienced ICI lawyers Gita Mirushkina, Alvis Šķenders and Egidijs Barakauskis will welcome everyone, especially those from Ukraine. They will tell about the work of the Information Center, about the stay of immigrants in Latvia and answer the questions of the meeting visitors. Working language: Russian, with opportunities to communicate in Latvian and English.
And… children could be brought with you! From 13.30: The National Library of Latvia will offer a lesson for children. There will be an excursion to get acquainted with the exposition “Book in Latvia” and the LNL in general, as well as a practical creative workshop in the LNL study room “Virtakas Class”. Languages: Latvian and / or Russian.
At 15.30 at the National Library of Latvia - lecture “Ukraine and Ukrainians, then and now”. Lecturer – Viktorija Prituljak, Latvian translator of Ukrainian origin, ethnomusicologist, journalist and public activist. You will learn about the Ukrainian language, history, culture and today`s realities. Yuri Zaharchuk, Counselor of the Embassy of Ukraine in Latvia, will pay tribute with his presence and address. Language: Latvian, with the possibility to communicate in Ukrainian, English and Russian.
At 18.00 Lāčplēša Street 75: Farsi language enthusiasts meet with Farsi as native speakers. Delicious national snacks and talks about Novruz - the New Year of the Eastern World. Farsi, or Persian, is spoken by about 40 million people worldwide, mostly in Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Working language: Farsi, with English.
Also at 18.00 Lāčplēša Street 75 workshop for inner peace during busy times "Aroma of Life". We especially welcome mothers with children. Adults, practically, will get to know the smell as a source of emotional well-being. Children (from the age of about 3) will have their own interesting tasks related to drawing and painting. The workshop will be led by psychologist and aroma consultant Dace Meiere.
More about the events, as well as about watching live - on the FB profile:
Photo: Open day in Liepāja 11/03/2022
The activity of the Information Centre for Newcomers within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund is ensured and developed by the NGO “Shelter “Safe House””. The centre is co-funded by the European Union. Grant Agreement No. PMIF/12/2020/3/