Persons under international protection gathered to celebrate the 4th of May, which marks the Day of the Restoration of Independence of the Republic of Latvia Persons who have recently arrived in Latvia joined the celebration of the White Tablecloth Celebration in the society “Shelter “Safe House”” with great interest.
The event was attended by persons under international protection from Afghanistan, Belarus, Iraq, Kuwait, Russia, Congo, and Syria, as well as volunteers who helped to create a festive atmosphere by decorating the premises and providing delicious snacks. Each participant received a flag pin to wear on the day of celebration and in the future. As the event began, a representative from each country was invited to light a candle for Latvia and for all of us, for freedom, hope, and growth.
Together they learnt about the tradition of the White Tablecloth Celebration, sang Latvian folk songs accompanied by volunteer Marta Zeltiņa playing guitar, as well as tested their agility in Latvian folk dance, singing together the Latvian folk song “Bēdu manu lielu bēdu” (“Worry, My Big Worry”). Latvian traditional dishes for special occasions were introduced and two creative workshops were held – painting stones and creating a large element of the Lielvārde Belt piece by piece.
As one of the participants of the event admitted, it is necessary to experience the festivities and Latvian traditions, it is not enough to read about them on the Internet. Everyone had the opportunity to say their good wishes to Latvia, to feel a sense of belonging and unity in the country where they are starting a new chapter in their life.
Support Actions for Persons Under International Protection III project is implemented with the support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is co-financed by the European Union. Grant agreement No. PMIF/9/2020/3/02