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Report of the Experts Group on Trafficking in Human Beings. A Baltic Sea States Edition

Ievietots: 28.04.2023


Combatting trafficking in human beings is a priority for the European Union. In the framework of the project "They Have a Name" a new study has been developed  on the prevention of trafficking in human beings in the Baltic States.

Through intensive cooperation and knowledge sharing between various NGOs and expert organisations in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, the research hopes to contribute to the fight against human trafficking in the Baltic Sea region.

The study provides an overview of the current state of human trafficking based on relevant national statistics, the most common types of human trafficking, existing prevention strategies, as well as the best practices employed by antitrafficking organisations and governmental agencies.

Social workers, teachers, young people, internal affairs officers, and of course everyone whose daily work is related to the prevention of trafficking in human beings and assistance to victims are invited to read the study!

To read the study, click here.