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Topics learned by asylum seekers, refugees and persons under subsidiary protection within the project “Support Actions for Persons Under International Protection III”

Ievietots: 04.03.2021


Within the project “Support Activities for Persons Under International Protection III” specialists of Society “Shelter “Safe House”” read lectures on important topics related to integration in Latvia to asylum seekers, refugees and persons under subsidiary protection.

For example, topics of lectures of the customer consultant, lawyer and lecturer of the society Gita Miruškina are as follows:

  • Freedom of religion
  • Employment
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Accessibility of health services
  • Healthcare
  • Social security system
  • Social assistance
  • Respect for the rights of the child
  • Gender equality
  • Banking services


Informative lectures are an effective way for asylum seekers and persons under international protection persons to prepare for life in Latvia.


The project “Support Actions for Persons Under International Protection III” is implemented with support of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and is co-financed by the European Union. Grant Agreement No. PMIF/9/2020/3/02