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World Refugee Day at the Information Centre for Newcomers

Ievietots: 21.06.2022


World Refugee Day was celebrated on 20 June at the Information Centre for Newcomers.  On this day, we especially appreciated that we are safe here in Latvia, that we come together in the courtyard of the "Safe House" in sunny, warm weather to listen to music and participate in creative activities.

Musician and composer Lauris Valters delighted us with his compositions in different languages and Latvian folk songs. Latvian song, like the land of Latvia, united concert-goers from nine countries: India, China, Syria, Belarus, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Congo and Iran. They included refugees and asylum seekers who have recently arrived here, as well as newcomers who have already settled and integrated in Latvia.

After the concert, everyone, including the singer, took part in creative activities. A representative of each culture was invited to paint the flag of their country on a canvas.  A knowledge game about non-EU countries was also played. Visitors found this very interesting as it was an opportunity to learn more about each other and to have interesting conversations and discussions.

The Refugee Day event was planned to last two hours, but the friendly, stimulating atmosphere attracted the participants so much that friendly conversations over a cup of coffee and tasty snacks took place in the sunny courtyard for a long time afterwards.

Anna Audere, UNHCR Representative in Latvia, also attended the event. Ramona Liepiņa and Ilze Norvaiša, coordinators of informal activities at the Information Centre for Newcomers, organised and hosted the event. They were assisted by volunteers from the Information Centre.

The Information Centre for Newcomers supports refugees on a daily basis. But it is important to celebrate World Refugee Day - for newcomers to feel that they are full and accepted members of society, for independent citizens to realise that safety and acceptance are what we can give to those who seek refuge with us.

The activity of the Information Centre for Newcomers within the framework of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund is ensured and developed by the NGO “Shelter “Safe House””. The centre is co-funded by the European Union. Grant Agreement No. PMIF/12/2020/3/

World Refugee Day 2022